歌词Amazing Grace


[00:06.201]Amazing Grace ^^
[00:22.735]Amazing grace,how sweet the sound
[00:32.996]that saved a wretch like me.
[00:43.560]I once was lost but now i'm found,
[00:54.64]was blind but now I see.
[01:04.587]t'was grace that taught my heart to fear
[01:15.00]and grace my fear relieved
[01:26.32]how precious did that grace appear,
[01:36.289]the hour i first believed.
[01:47.135]through many dangers,toils and snares
[01:57.685]I have already come
[02:08.28]This grace that brought me safe thus far
[02:18.279]and grace will lead me home.
[02:31.597]when we've been here are thousand years
[02:41.863]bright shining are the sun;
[02:52.687]we've no less days to sing god's praise
[03:03.21]than when we first begun.
[03:13.903]than when we first begun 。。。
