歌词水晶莲intro - intro


[al:Love Song]


[0:0.18]Hello. This is Kristin and this is Joe ... we wanted to take a moment to welcome you to the Learn Real

[0:9.49]English Family and to tell you a little about the lessons.

[0:11.99]Now these lessons are based on real, authentic English conversations that Joe and I have had with each

[0:18.49]other and our friends... and also with my mom. These are actual conversations that we!flve had so you ill

[0:27.43]become familiar, more familiar, with real spoken English.

[0:34.75]So you'll hear Kristin and I in the conversations and also doing the lessons. You'll also hear our friend AJ

[0:41.87]Hoge from Effortless English. He's done some of the lessons as well.

[0:47.62]Okay, so now a little bit about the lessons . . . Each lesson set has a conversation, a vocabulary lesson and a

[0:54.0]mini-story lesson for you to listen to. And we've also included the text for each of these, in case you want to

[1:0.81]read along as you listen.

[1:2.31]The key to Learn Real English is deep learning. The best way to use these lessons is to listen to one lesson

[1:9.6]set at a time. You should spend at least one week on each lesson set. Now remember!> one lesson set as

[1:25.19]a conversation, a vocabulary lesson and a mini-story lesson in it. So listen to the lesson set every day for at

[1:34.31]least one week before moving on to the next set. Even if the lesson set is easy, you should still continue for

[1:43.19]one week. And if after a week the lesson set is difficult, continue listening until you have a basic

[1:51.69]understanding. Also, you want to be sure that you do the lesson sets in order because the ones at the end

[1:57.37]are more difficult.

[1:58.25]We've included a welcome guide that has more instructions. So please read it before you start listening to

[2:6.87]the lessons. And if you have any questions or comments about the lessons you can go to our discussion

[2:15.37]Okay, so now you!flre ready to start. Thanks for joning the Learn Real English family. And good luck with the

[2:22.69]lessons. But most importantly, make sure you have fun. Bye.
